If you’re looking for a career switch or are just graduating school and love horses, the equine industry can seem like the perfect place to go. It is a worldwide industry that can see you traveling the world and working with some of your equine and human heroes. It is...
If you run a social media account, it can be hard to come up with content every day – something most social media sites almost require you do to stay on newsfeeds. This is why having topics you can make into weekly series (or re-run every so often) is helpful. Below...
If you’re on social media in any capacity, you know there are plenty of platforms to choose from when looking into which is best for your business. But not every platform is right for your business. The four points below are things are what I discuss with new clients...
It is a truth universally acknowledged in 2022 that to do your business justice, you need to have a social media presence. Sure, select businesses can get away without being on the internet or just having a website but that isn’t the case for the majority. According...
Last week I was a guest on the Amplify Horse Racing Hangout (you can find the replay on the bottom of this blog) and one of the things I was asked was to give tips for those who want to work in the equine industry. We didn’t get a chance to go as in depth as I would...
If you’ve followed Pyrois Media for any length of time, you probably recognize the defining feature of our logo – the Pyrois ball. The red Pyrois Media ball was the very first thing I knew I had to have when I named Pyrois Media. It represents the name perfectly in my...
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