Last year shortly after the holiday bustle calmed down, I sat down and wrote out different “lessons” I wanted to prioritize in 2021. These were all things that I’d told myself I was already doing in the past but that I knew I wasn’t actually focusing on so the time had come to make sure I followed through.
Probably not surprisingly, though 2021 had its problems, it was one of my best years I’ve ever had career-wise. Here are the main points I followed with one being added in thanks to a conversation with someone outside the industry.
Make Sure You Have a Work-Life Balance
I’ve preached this to other people for a few years now but 2021 was the year I put it on the top of my priority list. I officially gave Pyrois Media office hours and other than a few weeks when I knew there was no way they’d work, I wasn’t afraid to stick to them. I also made sure that I took time off to make up for those days and when my body and/or brain said I needed a day off, I tried to do all I could to fit it in. Though I worked less in 2021, it was the most successful year Pyrois Media has recorded so far.
I also realized how much I missed riding and how just taking lessons doesn’t cut it so I went out and (re)bought myself a horse. While I was injured shortly after buying her back and couldn’t ride for much of the time I had her, just being able to go out and see her without having to schedule “horse time” with someone was very good for my mental health.
Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
One goal I set for myself in 2021 was to test out at least one business objective that I wasn’t worried about failing at. This goal turned into a multiple-task project and honestly came up with some of my best results. I’m not a daring person by nature but putting myself out there and trying new things actually helped me reach goals I had laid out for Pyrois Media that I originally thought had very little to do with whatever my action was.
Some of the things that were uncomfortable to me in the beginning are now just a part of what I do regularly. On the same vein, I found that I actually enjoyed doing some of the things I thought I’d hate and plan on improving them even more in 2022.
Ignore the Negative
Once upon a time I was told that not everyone is going to like you or what you do. I try to treat everyone kindly and give complements when warranted but I learned that no matter what you do, some people will always find something wrong with you. Running into a few of those people in a short amount of time early in the year taught me a lesson I already knew but needed to be reminded of – ignore those being negative just to be negative.
Constructive criticism from someone who cares is one thing, but people who were in my life just to complain and make life difficult were quickly removed and ignored.
Work on Things Near and Dear to You
In 2021 I made it a priority to really focus on making time to work with organizations doing things I believe in and built sponsorship money into my budget for the year. During Pyrois’s first few years, working organizations like this was something I attempted to do around my other commitments and it didn’t work as well as I would have wanted. Last year I made them a priority and it not only helped them but also made me feel it was the right decision as well.
Think About the Future
I’ve always been a planner – but for the “short” long-term. When my tax accountant asked me in May what my long-term goals were I couldn’t give him a concrete answer past 2021. I had vague long-term plans but had never really planned out how to accomplish them. The question was the wake up call I needed to sit down and plan what I have in mind for Pyrois Media over our next 10 years.
You’ve likely already seen the results of some of these lessons and goals with Pyrois Media expanding into working with other disciplines and sponsoring shows. But there is even more to come in 2022 and I can’t wait to share it all with you!